President of ANIDICE appointed member of the INVEADF
Ismael Rivera Cruces, president of ANIDICE, has been appointed member of the "DF Administrative Verification Institute"
Another great success of ANIDICE (Nightlife enterpreneurs association of Mexico). Its president, Ismael Rivera Cruces has been appointed member of the Board of Directors of the "Instituto de Verificación Administrativa del Distrito Federal" (DF Administrative Verification Institute), which will control and guarantee the good management of the inspections and controls to the stablishments in DF. As a matter of fact, the INVEA DF is the only institution in DF with jurisdiction to close down a establishment but until now it couldn't deliver opinions on matters of licenses or civil protection programmes. From now on, with this centralized control it will be easier to close the illegal places and also will avoid that the delegations can close establishments in full legal order as it happened before Anidice reported corrupted practices of these delegations when they made verifications to established businesses. Congratulations then to Anidice and specially to Ismael Rivera, president of Anidice and who shall soon be appointed vicepresident of the International Nightlife Association. Thank you for your exceptional labour representing and defending the Nightlife sector!