Ibiza, bite by bite
Gastronomy has become one of the great attractions of the island, allowing the traveler to savor both the typical island dishes and the new contemporary Ibizan cuisine as well as the culinary proposals from the most varied corners of the world.
One of the biggest surprises that Ibiza provides is the quality of its restaurants. On many of the beaches and coves, you can find a simple beach bar or a sophisticated establishment where you can enjoy the freshest product, with the best quality, and made with the mastery of tradition.
With seafood they prepare, for example, the octopus frit, the bullit de peix (a fish stew boiled with potatoes that is served with arroz a banda), squid stuffed with sobrasada, borrida de rajada (ray stew), pickled gerret (caramel) or in rice with cauliflower, fried raor (galán) or many other dishes where Ibiza's red lobster, grouper, San Pedro's rooster, red or cabracho, espardenyes (cucumber de mar), Ibizan prawns, monkfish, sirvia (lemon fish), dentex ...
For its part, the land provides the key ingredients in dishes with a peasant accent, such as arroz de matanzas, tomato salad with dried fish and crostres (pieces of stale bread), frita de porc, faves ofegades (literally beans drowned), the sofrit pagès, the cuinat (wakefulness stew), the coca de peppers ... And the desserts, where the flaó (a cake made with sheep or goat cheese and mint), the greixonera (a type of pudding of ensaimadas), bunyols or buñuelos and orelletes, a fluffy sweet with the scent of lemon and anise.
Beaches, nature, leisure, and heritage are usually the main arguments for choosing Ibiza for the first time. Gastronomy, however, is the reason that always pushes us to return.