Nightlife venues for Italy and Spain united by the "Sanitized Venue Certification" issued by the International Nightlife Association
In these difficult times, the nightlife community worldwide is coming together in order to overcome what we consider possibly the worst crisis in the history of the industry. As many of you know, the International Nightlife Association recently launched an international sanitary certification 15 days ago named "Sanitized Venue" currently the only worldwide sanitary certification for nightlife venues. In response to our initiative, our member associations in Italy and Spain, Silb-Fipe (Italian Nightlife Association) and Spain Nightlife have taken a step further for their members by endorsing the sanitary certification and giving the necessary tools to their members to achieve the certification.
The certification is a wave of hope for nightlife entrepreneurs and nightlife users for when nightclubs in Italy and Spain can reopen, though the reopening date is uncertain. Italy's nightlife venues have been shut down for over two months and in Spain for over a month already, causing great economic losses to both. We will shortly announce the adherence of new countries to this international health certification since nightlife venues and restaurants in other countries such as Croatia, the United Arab Emirates, Colombia, and the United States have already been interested in its implementation. We are pleased to attach the official presentation of the Sanitized Venue certification at the bottom of the email.
Further to this, we vow for the necessity of coming together as a worldwide industry and putting common ideas together to adapt to the current situation and offer solutions to business owners, workers, and clients.
On the one hand, Maurizio Pasca, President of Silb-Fipe, European Nightlife Association and Vice President of the International Nightlife Association has stated the following, "I'm hopeful about the worldwide launch of this certification and I trust that this certification will be of great use once our venues can reopen. This will allow our clients to progressively gain nightlife's trust".
The Sanitized Venue Certification was created with the goal of enforcing a set of specific measures to protect the health and safety of nightlife venue's clients and workers. These measures were not only created to protect clients and workers in nightlife but also so clients can gain the trust they need to go out again and feel comfortable doing so.
What are the objectives of this international certification?
The international sanitary certification "Sanitized Venue" is aimed to reflect the following objectives:
- Sanitary security: Provide the necessary protocols and items to assure the sanitary security for staff and clients.
- Adaptation: Adapt and improve businesses under the new post-pandemic paradigms that we will experience.
- Requirements: Prove that the venue meets minimum international sanitary requirements approved by the International Nightlife Association.
- Guarantee: Guarantee that the establishment is safe in sanitary and hygienic terms.
- Prevention: Helps to prevent the spread of viruses to staff and clients and protects the venue’s prestige
- Detection: Helps to detect possible breach causes that allow you to adopt the proper sanitary, prevention and corrective measures.
- Ethics: Shows the ethics and compromise of the sector, guaranteeing safety and health requirements and their implementation and also the promotion of good practices amongst users.
The signing of an agreement with an accredited international company in sanitation and disinfection of spaces
To make this certification as accurate and efficient as possible with the best expertise in cleaning and disinfection, the International Nightlife Association with AFL Group has signed an agreement with the international company Elis Pest Control. Elis will be in charge of to perform and serve through the methods of treatment, disinfection, and thorough hygiene, some of these specific services including:
- Hand antisepsis action
- Antibacterial action
- Fungicide action
- Action against mycrobacteria
- Anti-yeast action
- Viricidal action
Further to this, Joaquim Boadas, Secretary-General of the International Nightlife Association has said, "The Sanitized Venue certification has been added as an obligatory requirement to obtain the International Nightlife Safety Certified (INSC). All venues who have obtained the "Sanitized Venue" certification will be highlighted at an international level, being placed on our website as a venue who has achieved the seal. This also means that clients will be able to know if the venue they plan to visit has applied all the cleaning and hygiene measures possible to protect clients and workers.
As we mentioned in our last press release, the INA is in contact with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), of which is a member, in order to ask for support in introducing this sanitary certification to UNWTO's member countries.