The International Nightlife Association, member of the UNWTO, launches COVID-19 safety guidelines for nightlife venues
Dear all, Due to the recent events related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) the International Nightlife Association, member of the United Nation's World Tourism Organization, has created a COVID-19 safety guideline with advice and measures aimed at nightlife entrepreneurs to avoid and prevent the spread of the coronavirus. These recommendations are the following:
- Install different hand sanitizer dispensing points for the use of customers and staff around the venue.
- Clean and disinfect, numerous times daily, the areas open to the public, the main entrance, the carpets, the lobby, the counters, the bar counter, the bars, the tables, and the handrails.
- Frequently (more than once a day) clean and disinfect points with a high frequency of contact, including elevator panels, door handles, vending machines, touch screens, etc.
- Operate all air conditioning units in fresh air mode, ensuring a constant airflow in the premises.
- Promote card payment.
- For venues that serve food, take the following additional measures:
- Use different cutting boards and different knives for raw meat and cooked food.
- Wash hands between handling raw and cooked foods.
- Inform and train staff on the following measures to protect against coronavirus:
- Avoid close contact with sick people outside of work.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
- Do not go to work if you feel sick.
- Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing with a tissue, then throw the tissue into a closed container and wash your hands immediately.
- Use only closed containers for waste.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Inform clients about protective measures against coronavirus by placing information panels at different points in the premises:
- Avoid touching the eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Avoid sharing drinks and water pipes (hookah).
- Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with a tissue, then throw the tissue in a closed container or toilet and wash your hands immediately.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
In order to protect employees and customers in the industry, the International Nightlife Association has designed and distributed a poster with the recommendations that are included in this mail, which has been sent to its member associations from different countries. Below you can download the informative poster addressed to clubbers.
The commitment of this international organization to the health and safety of the sector's customers is not new, as since 2012 we have been developing and implementing the international nightlife safety certificate, known as International Nightlife Safety Certified (INSC).
In addition, the International Nightlife Association will support its members in requesting tax and employment benefits in the event of a significant reduction in customers in the nightlife industry, as unfortunately, is already happening in Italy.
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